__Recommendation:__ install the package in a virtual environment. See
[miniforge]( for conda/mamba, or
[venv]( for virtualenv.
mamba env create -n simplestac -f
Within a virtualenv:
pip install git+
## Example data
Example data can be downloaded with the following:
from path import Path
from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory
from urllib.request import urlretrieve
import zipfile
tmpdir = Path(TemporaryDirectory(prefix="simplestac_").name)
print(tmpdir) # to keep track of the directory to remove
data_dir = tmpdir/'fordead_data-main'
if not data_dir.exists():
data_url = Path("")
dl_dir = Path(tmpdir2)
zip_path, _ = urlretrieve(data_url, dl_dir /
with zipfile.ZipFile(zip_path, "r") as f:
__Before exiting your python session, don't forget to remove the temporary directory:__
## Create a local STAC ItemCollection
In this example, local files (see previous section) are parsed to build
a STAC ItemCollection.
from path import Path
from simplestac.utils import collection_format, build_item_collection, ItemCollection
col_file = tmpdir / "collection.json"
# Let's start from the example collection built as in
# directory containing the remote sensing scenes
image_dir = data_dir / "sentinel_data/dieback_detection_tutorial/study_area"
fmt = collection_format("S2_L2A_THEIA")
col = build_item_collection(image_dir, fmt)
Anyone can make his own format depending on the naming of the file names.
The parsing is based on regex patterns.
The expected minimal structure is the following:
- item: metadata that are item-wise (i.e. independent of the asset)
- pattern: how to parse the item id from the item directory
- datetime: relative to datetime parsing (pattern, format)
- item_assets: the metadata relative to each asset
- pattern: regex pattern to find the band among the recursive list of files
See a simple [Theia format]( made for the example.
## Extended pystac.ItemCollection
In `simplestac`, several methods have been added to the class `pystac.ItemCollection` in order to:
- sort items,
- filter (subset),
- convert to xarray (with stackstac),
- convert to geodataframe (with stac-geoparquet),
- apply a function to each item or on a rolling window
The following converts the ItemCollection into a geodataframe:
import geopandas as gpd
# Load the item collection
# Load the region of interest
roi = gpd.read_file(data_dir / "vector" / "area_interest.shp")
# Plot the collection geometry and the region of interest
ax = col.to_geodataframe().iloc[:1,:].to_crs("red")
See [examples](